Planning Tree Surveys and Tree Reports
We undertake a full tree surveys to BS5837:2012 for planning and provide a further range of arboricultural services and surveys, as detailed below.
Tree Survey for Planning
Trees are a material consideration in a planning application and therefore trees on the site or immediately adjacent need to have been considered. The Local Planning Authority will expect to see that a Tree Survey is submitted with the application. We carry out Tree Surveys and follow the processes set out in the British Standard BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations.
Our highly experienced team will then produce an assessment of tree quality and constraints plan, giving you all the information that you need to develop the design proposals and subsequently submit and validate your application.
Tree Protection Plan
We have noticed that many Local Planning Authorities are now requesting that a Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is provided upfront before the planning decision is made. The TPP shows your design proposals and indicates trees to be retained and trees to be removed. Protective fencing is specified in line with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations.
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
You may also be required to submit an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) to assist planners in understanding the impact of the development on important trees and how this might be mitigated.
Arboricultural Method Statement
Occasionally following planning approval further more detailed information may be required by the Local Planning Authority to discharge planning conditions. We can produce an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) to show how trees are to be protected during the development, specify any special construction buildups and longer term management recommendations.
Tree Protection Order (TPO) or Conservation Area (CA)
Trees covered by a Tree Protection Order (TPO) or located within a Conservation Area (CA) are afforded special protection and cannot be felled, topped, lopped etc without the permission of the Local Planning Authority (LPA). An application or notification to the LPA is likely to be much more successful with sound arboricultural assessment and managment proposals and we can prepare a short report to support the application. We have significant experience in making an application or notification and can handle the whole process for you.
Please get in touch if you would like further advice or to discuss your requirements.